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Schools and Seminars

Educational activities are actions of an NGO; several members of e-qo have prolonged experience in teaching at prestigious Italian and foreign universities
With no ambitions to be a school but with the intentions to strengthen research skills, e-qo organizes several seminars, teaching modules or master programs.
In such training activities high-profile experts in green economy are invited to teach.   e-qo courses are used to build projects that could facilitate students in finding a job, once the course is finished.


Master in green jobs and management

master ok

e-qo has built an innovative format of higher education; a “product ” that can attract a diverse audience and at the same time provides customized tools and skills so to enable students to compete in the market for new green jobs.
e-qo has a close link with institutions and operator sas well as credibility and ability to communicate with the market. It has a solid reputation and a deep knowledge of the business and of all the professional dynamics that determine the success and failure of a career path.
In e-qo training projects the aim is to create platforms where to converge numerous initiatives and through which to raise the appeal of partners and sponsors.

Winter school


In order to bring young professionals closer to environmental matters, e-qo organizes a winter school at the European Parliament in Brussels: it is a prestigious annual event through which e-qo presents the work done and the  projects carried out in conjunction with various partners, supporters and sponsors.
This training product is made up of friendly meetings, seminars and presentation of projects and presentations of business case studies, in partnership with leading institutions, universities, professional and business organizations.
It is an event of ” institutional experience” which provides opportunities for discussions and learning to dozens of young candidates selected on a competitive basis among the best Italian universities.
e-qo has already organized five editions of the winter school with the support of members of all political groups, leading multinational companies, referenced speakers, guests and supporters.

Teaching modules

moduli okThe skills of e-qo professionals are also offered in the form of teaching modules to other institutions masters programs. The following topics are subjects of teaching modules:
Green marketing / territorial marketing / green communication for green manager, ecobrand manager, eco-cool hunter
Advocacy / Lobbying between the institutions and representatives of various interest groups
Environmental law
Project Planning: expert in the recruitment at EU level and in national funds for the implementation of sustainable projects
Corporate social responsibility: techniques for the adoption of green strategies and initiatives related to corporate values
Sustainable fashion

Green social festival


e-qo  participates and supports the annual event “Green social festival” in Bologna, a benchmark of environmental and social sustainability, energy conservation, rights and law, specifically intended for students and citizens. Scheduled meetings, shows, examples of sustainable living, games for children and adults, exhibitions and lectures for the students, are part of the initiative.
e-qo has every year the opportunity to present its main activities at the Green Social Festival.